Episode 3: Unbridled

  1. Riess, Steven A. The Sport of Kings and the Kings of Crime Horse Racing, Politics, and Organized Crime in New York, 1865-1913. Syracuse University Press, 2011.

  2. “A Jockey's Hard Life.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/seabiscuit-jockeys-hard-life.

  3. “Jockey Dies as He Wins His First Race: Hayes Collapses Passing the Winning Post.” The New York Times, 5 June 1923.

  4. “Jockeys: Huge Risks for Little Pay.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, money.cnn.com/2015/05/01/news/companies/jockeys-risks-pay/index.html.

  5. “Jockey Who Refused to Stay in the Kitchen.” CNN, Cable News Network, 2 Oct. 2012, www.cnn.com/2012/09/26/sport/Diane-crump-first-female-jockey.

  6. Macri, K. J. (2012). "Not Just a Game: Sport and Society in the United States." Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse4(08). Retrieved from http://www.inquiriesjournal.com/a?id=1664.

  7. “Off to the Races.” Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 1 Aug. 2004, www.smithsonianmag.com/history/off-to-the-races-2266179.

  8. “Penny Chenery, Owner of the Triple Crown Winner Secretariat, Dies at 95.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 17 Sept. 2017, www.nytimes.com/2017/09/17/sports/horse-racing/penny-chenery-dead.html#:~:text=Penny%20Chenery%2C%20who%20took%20over,She%20was%2095.

  9. “Racing in the Depression.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/seabiscuit-racing-depression.

  10. “Scientists Extract DNA From Seabiscuit's Hooves To Figure Out How He Was So Fast.” Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 29 Oct. 2018, www.smithsonianmag.com/history/scientists-extract-dna-from-seabiscuits-hooves-to-figure-out-how-he-was-so-fast-180970649.

  11. “Scientists Extract DNA From Seabiscuit's Hooves To Figure Out How He Was So Fast.” Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 29 Oct. 2018, www.smithsonianmag.com/history/scientists-extract-dna-from-seabiscuits-hooves-to-figure-out-how-he-was-so-fast-180970649/.

  12. “Seabiscuit’s Secret - Binghamton News.” News - Binghamton University, 17 Apr. 2019, www.binghamton.edu/news/story/1769/seabiscuits-secret.

  13. “‘Seabiscuit-Itis.’” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/seabiscuit-seabiscuit-itis.

  14. “TBT: Seabiscuit's Oddball Origin Story.” Boston Magazine, , 28 June 2018, www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2018/06/28/tbt-seabiscuit-racehorse.

  15. “The Derby's First Female Jockey - Diane Crump.” WARHorses, 6 June 2019, womenofageridinghorses.com/training/features/the-derbys-first-female-jockey-diane-crump/.

  16. “The Kentucky Derby's Forgotten Black Jockeys.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 3 May 2013, www.history.com/news/the-kentucky-derbys-forgotten-black-jockeys.

  17. “The Only Dead Man in History to Win a Race at New York’s Belmont Park.” Curious History, web.archive.org/web/20130915043722/curioushistory.com/post/34500682889/dead-jockey-wins-race#.UkXrrcYm6k8.

  18. “Where Is Seabiscuit Buried?” The LA Times , 31 Oct. 2012.

  19. “Secretariat’s birthplace at The Meadow named to Virginia Landmarks Register,” The Meadow, https://www.meadoweventpark.com/secretariats-birthplace-at-the-meadow-named-to-virginia-landmarks-register/.

  20. “How do so many jockeys survive when they’re earning so little?,” Thoroughbred Racing, https://www.thoroughbredracing.com/articles/how-do-so-many-jockeys-survive-earnings-so-little/.

  21. “Trainers, Vets Charged In Widespread Racehorse-Drugging Scheme,” San Francisco CBS Local, March 20, 2020.

  22. Raymond G. Woolfe Jr. Secretariat (Chilton, 1974) p 120. 

  23. “In 1968, This Kentucky Derby Winner Lost its Crown for a Drug Most Horses Take Now,” History, https://www.history.com/news/kentucky-derby-disqualification-dancers-image-196.

  24. “" DOPE" EVIL OF THE TURF; Jockey Club Stewards Keenly Watch for Horse Druggers. Notwithstanding the Care Taken General Belief Is That Stimulants Are Used on Metropolitan Tracks,” New York Times, October 19, 1903.

  25. ‘The Grim Future of America’s Racehorses,” Washington Post, May 18, 2018.

  26. “Old Rosebud,” Daily Racing Form, https://www.drf.com/news/story-old-rosebud-american-tragedy.


Episode 4: Misguided


Episode 2: Dark Hearts